Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Thank you thank you to all those that helped out with the addiction rehabilitation center holiday project! We were able to collect 17 letters for each guy there, along with a tie and a journal! A special thank you to Braden Whiting for getting all 11 ties needed. The holiday packages were delievered two days before Christmas and were greatly appreciated. The impact the letters made on these men may not be known right now, but I do know the outpouring of love shown will resignate with them. I feel very appreciative for everyone that so willingly helped out. This project had personal meaning to me, and I found it had personal meaning to many others involved. I think it is important to show everyone how much they are cared for, that their lives have meaning, and that they are just as important as everyone else regardless of their past. I believe that goal was accomplished.

"Be the Change You Want to See in the World"